Life Hacks, Tips, Tricks

50 Simple Life Hacks for Boost Your Health

1841 words10 min read

Life hacks are simple, easy-to-do tips and tricks that help us make our lives better. In today's world, where we lead busy lives and prioritize work over everything else, it's easy to neglect our health. We often forget to take care of ourselves and end up falling sick. However, with a little bit of effort and a few simple life hacks, we can boost our health and feel better.

In this article, we'll discuss 50 simple life hacks for boosting your health.

1. Lower Cholesterol with Sunflower Seeds

Life Hacks: - High cholesterol levels? Eating plenty of unsalted sunflower seeds is a great home remedy to reduce it!

2. How stress seriously affect our brain

Life Hacks: - Suffering from too much stress can literally cause the human brain to be freeze and shut down temporarily!

3. Quit Smoking with Sauna: 3 Days and Done

Life Hacks: - Go to a sauna 3 days in a row to sweat out the nicotine and it will be easier for you quit smoking

4. Stay Hydrated & Avoid Muscle Soreness with an Orange

Life Hacks: - To keep yourself hydrated and also prevent your muscles from getting sore, eat an orange before working out

5. How to Take the Perfect Nap

Life Hacks: - Wondering what the perfect timing for a nap is? 30-minute naps are most effective because it only uses the 2 light sleep stages. Therefore, you don't wake up as tired and you are more productive

6. Heal Faster with Spiderwebs!

Life Hacks: - Here's how spider webs can do good to you! If you're outside in the woods and cut yourself, spiderwebs can not only seal the wound but also make it heal much faster.

7. Quick Life Hack: Eyelashes Trick

Life Hacks: - Trying to get rid of something from eyes? Hold your eyelashes and pull your eyelid down with your fingers. Then, blink rapidly several times

8. Eliminate Dead Skin with Elmer's Glue Paint

Life Hacks: - Dead skin and blackheads are visible if Elmers Glue paint is used on the face. It allows dry peel off.

9. Stop Headaches with 20-20-20 Rule!

Life Hacks: - Suffering from headaches because straining eyes too much? The 20-20-20 rule (looking at something 20ft away for 20 seconds long every 20 mins) is a method proven to stop them

10. How to reduce irritation when wearing earings

Life Hacks: - Are your ears very sensitive? Put vaseline on earrings before wearing them, it will relieve you from irritation.

11. Stop Bad Dreams: Cold Rooms Kill Dreams.

Life Hacks: - Wondering why you often have bad dreams? The colder your room is, you are more likely to have a bad dream

12. Benefits of watermelon to your skin

Life Hacks: - Acne can be reduced and skin healthier by eating watermelon

13. How music helps work out

Life Hacks: - Listening to music while working out can boost your running and lifting ability by 15%.

14. Lose Weight with Water: 4.5 Pounds in 12 Weeks

Life Hacks: - Planning to lose weight? Drinking two cups of water before meals can make you lose an average of 4.5 more pounds within 12 weeks.

15. Stop a Sneeze: Press Your Tongue!

Life Hacks: - Feel a sneeze coming that you'd like to stop? Press your tongue hard against the roof of your mouth.

16. Nail Cutting Hack: Wet Fingertips!

Life Hacks: - Want to prevent your nails from flying everywhere while cutting? Wet your fingertips and the head of your nail clippers.

17. Relieve Headache Pain with Gatorade

Life Hacks: - Traditional pain relievers leave you with unpleasant side effects. Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without it

18. Beat the Heat: 5-Minute Wrist Cold Water Therapy

Life Hacks: - Unbearable heat? Cool your blood down by running your wrist under a cold tap for at least five minutes

19. Removing Parasites with Honey

Life Hacks: - Honey when mixed with vinegar and water helps in removing worms and other parasites residing in your body

20. Home Remedy: Marshmallows for Sore Throats

Life Hacks: - Heard of marshmallows as a remedy? Have them the next time you have a sore throat!

21. Drink helping lose weight and cholesterol

Life Hacks: - For all those who desire to lose weight and have lower cholesterol levels, having lemon juice with a pinch of salt (warm) helps.

22. Accelerate Hair Growth with Onions and Garlic

Life Hacks: - Looking for ways to accelerate your hair growth? Onions and garlic are both foods that helping in doing so

23. 100% Effective Hiccup Cure!

Life Hacks: - Hiccups cure: Inhale through your mouth, swallow saliva twice, and slowly exhale through your nose for a 100% effective hiccup cure!

24. Instant Relief for Brain Freeze

Life Hacks: - Suffering from a brain freeze? Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It will instantly relieve the pain

25. 7 Tips for Easier Sleep: Reading

Life Hacks: - Reading a book makes it easier to fall asleep. Reading tires your eyes which in turn tricks your brain into feeling tired.

26. Boost Melanin with Meat & Dairy!

Life Hacks: - Eat plenty meat and dairy products and stay tan during winter! They help increase the production of melanin in your body

27. Lose Weight Effortlessly with Bananas

Life Hacks: - Here is how you lose weight effortlessly! The scent of bananas actually contains a compound that can help you do so

28. Burn Calories with Laughter: 15 mins = 30 sit-ups

Life Hacks: - In terms of calories burnt : 15 mins of continuous laughter = 30 mins of sit-ups

29. Keep yourself hydrated

Life Hacks: - Keep yourself hydrated always, dehydration impedes energy production in your brain. That will make us think slower and easily feel bored.

30. Instant Relief: Rubbing Alcohol and Nausea.

Life Hacks: - According to a study smelling rubbing alcohol can relieve nausea almost instantly.

31. Beat Cocaine Addiction with Oreos

Life Hacks: - Cut back on Oreos. A new study shows they are just as addictive as cocaine.

32. Maximize Toothpaste Benefits: Don't Wet Brush

Life Hacks: - Don't wet your toothbrush after you put toothpaste on it. Water will reduce the healthy benefits of the toothpaste.

33. 7 Life Hacks with Vodka

Life Hacks: - Apart from drinking Vodka, use it as a hair conditioner, bug repellant and to soothe jellyfish stings!

34. Relieve Allergy & Asthma Symptoms with AVC

Life Hacks: - A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar relieves allergy and asthma symptoms.

35. Speed up burning your fat

Life Hacks: - Speed up the process of burning your fat! Have a cup of coffee before workout

36. Reduce Brain Tumor Risk with Music

Life Hacks: - Reduce the risk of a brain tumour over the course of your life in the simplest ways! Listen to music frequently

37. Bananas for Itchy Mosquito Bites

Life Hacks: - Really itchy mosquito bite? Bananas can help reduce it

38. Sleep Better with Cuddling: Beat Pills

Life Hacks: - Cuddling before going to bed is far more effective than sleeping pills

39. Make Marshmallows a Home Remedy!

Life Hacks: - Nobody should stop you from having marshmallows! It relieves toothache, asthma, sore throat and arthritis

40. Reinforce Hair with Vodka!

Life Hacks: - Enhance the properties of your shampoo : Add a drop of Vodka to it and it'll strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp and stop dandruff

41. Organize to Prevent Alzheimer's

Life Hacks: - The more organized you are the less likely you are to develop Alzheimer's Disease.

42. Hydrate with Watermelon Juice: Sore Muscle Prevention

Life Hacks: - Remedy to prevent your muscles from getting sore after a workout: Drink watermelon juice

43. 4-Day Impact of One Lost Night of Sleep

Life Hacks: - Losing one night of sleep will impair reasoning and brain function for four days.

44. Lose Weight with Chocolate!

Life Hacks: - Eating a small amount of chocolate in the morning can help you burn calories and lose weight throughout the day.

45. Sore Throat? Try JELLO and Honey!

Life Hacks: - Sore throat? Grab a pack of JELLO but instead of putting it in the freezer heat it up and add a teaspoon of honey. The Gelatin will coat and soothe your throat.

46. How to burn calories in a simplest way

Life Hacks: - Simplest way to burn calories is to hug someone for 20 seconds. It could burn 50-150 calories!

47. Easy Relief for Stomach Aches

Life Hacks: - Stomach aches can be really painful. Lying down on your left side and rubbing your stomach in clockwise circle helps!

48. Feel better almost instantly

Life Hacks: - Singing releases a large amount of endorphins in your brain and can make you feel better almost instantly

49. Smiling can trick your brain into happiness

Life Hacks: - Smiling, even in a bad mood, will immediately improve your mood. Using these muscles is enough to trigger happy chemicals in the brain.

50. Beat Insomnia: Try Lemon Juice or Honey!

Life Hacks: - If you're insomniac have a glass of raw lemon juice or a spoon of honey before sleeping, this will improve your sleep!

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