Life Hacks, Tips, Tricks

50 Life Hacks for Enjoy Drinking Without the Hangover

1002 words6 min read

Drinking can be a fun way to socialize and unwind, but the dreaded hangover can quickly put a damper on the festivities. Luckily, there are many life hacks that can help you enjoy your drinks without the negative side effects.

From hydration tips to hangover remedies, these 50 life hacks can help you drink responsibly and wake up feeling refreshed.

1. Red SOLO cup lines are measurements

Life Hacks: - The lines on a Solo Cup are marks for alcohol/drink measurement.

2. Eat a Mango Before Smoking Marijuana

Life Hacks: - Want to heighten the effects of smoking marijuana? Eating mangoes before doing so helps!

3. Mixing alcohol for drunk faster

Life Hacks: - When you mix alcohol with diet coke, it will get you significantly more drunk than mixing it with regular coke

4. Get drunk but avoid the hangover

Life Hacks: - Want to get drunk but avoid the hangover? Drink a glass of water for every drink you have.

5. Mix Mountain Dew and Whiskey - The Perfect Combination!

Life Hacks: - Are you a great fan of Mountain Dew and Whiskey? Try mixing them - Mountain Dew was originally made to be mixed with it!

6. Estimate how drunk you are

Life Hacks: - An Android app (BAC Alcohol Calculator) can tell you exactly how drunk you are after entering your weight and type of beverage

7. Reinvent Your Drinks with Kool-Aid Ice Cubes

Life Hacks: - Experience a flavor change as you drink your drink - Put three different Kool-Aid ice cubes in a drink, add Sprite, and add one or two shots of Vodka.

8. Beat Hangovers Without Ibuprofen/Aspirin

Life Hacks: - Never take ibuprofen or aspirin to cure a hangover. On an empty stomach, it can actually tear your stomach lining.

9. Money Dropped at Bars

Life Hacks: - Always take a look at the floor near the bar. Drunk people always drop their money!

10. Add Extra Flavor to Drinks with Lollipops

Life Hacks: - Use lollipops to stir mixed drinks to give them extra flavor.

11. Quick way to compare quality of wine

Life Hacks: - Looking for a good quality wine in 2 bottles of the same wine?
The heavier the bottle of wine is, the better quality it is.

12. Drink coffee with vodka

Life Hacks: - Make a holiday drink! Make coffee and freeze it into ice cubes. Toss the ice cubes into a cup with vanilla vodka.

13. Hangover Cures That Actually Work

Life Hacks: - Hangover Cures That Actually Work:
Drink Lots of Water to Replenish Lost FluidsGuzzle Sports Drinks to Rehydrate Even FasterBoost Your Blood Sugar With Carbohydrates (sweet things like cakes)

14. Get Free Alcohol at a Party: Simple Tip

Life Hacks: - Four words to get free alcohol at a party:"I've never been drunk."

15. 5 Ways to Stop Drunk Vomiting Instantly

Life Hacks: - Taking short rapid breaths can help prevent the sudden urge to vomit when drunk.

16. Hangover Cure: Honey on Crackers

Life Hacks: - Bad hangover? Try honey on crackers as the fructose in honey flushes the alcohol out of your system.

17. Cool down wine without watering it down

Life Hacks: - Freeze grapes and use them to cool down wine without watering it down.

18. The Perfect Ice Cube for Your Drink

Life Hacks: - Have ice cubes ever watered down your drink too much? Next time, make the ice cubes out of the same liquid as the drink.

19. Bring Back the Bubbles: How to Revive Champagne's Fizz

Life Hacks: - Champagne is flat or has lost its bubblyness? Drop a raisin in and watch the bubbles magically return.

20. Boost Morning Energy with Peanut Butter

Life Hacks: - You tend to wake up early, even after a night of drinking, because of low blood sugar. A slice of bread with peanut butter solves this problem.

21. Most effective way but delicious to remove hangovers

Life Hacks: - The most effective and delicious way to get rid of a hangover is by drinking a glass of banana milkshake.

22. The Perfect Cinnamon Bun: Cream Soda & Fireball Whisky

Life Hacks: - Cream Soda and Fireball Whisky tastes exactly like a cinnamon bun!

23. Beat Hangover with an Apple - Life Hack

Life Hacks: - Killer hangover? An apple is a very effective hangover cure and also reduces alcohol cravings and withdrawal side effects.

24. Get drunk from gummy bears

Life Hacks: - How to get drunk on gummy bears:
Fill a bowl with gummy bears.Add alcohol.Place in fridge for 1 hour.Gummy bears will absorb the alcohol.Eat the gummy bears.Get drunk.

25. Pineapple Cucumber Colon Detox

Life Hacks: - Blending pineapple and cucumber creates a juice that will detoxify the colon and remove excess waste from the intestines.

26. Ice isn't floating, don't drink water

Life Hacks: - If the ice isn't floating don't drink it there is something in the drink.

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