Life Hacks, Tips, Tricks

Put 2 big bowls inside the microwave: can or cannot?

239 words2 min read
Life Hacks: Here's how you put two big bowls inside the microwave at once.

Put 2 Big Bowls Inside the Microwave: Can or Cannot?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to heat up two dishes at once in the microwave? You may be wondering if it's possible to do so with two big bowls. The answer is: yes! Here's how.

Step One: Place Bowls Side by Side

The first step is to place the two bowls side by side in the microwave. Make sure that the bowls are well-balanced and that there is enough space in between them for the microwave's turntable to spin.

Step Two: Set the Timer

Once the bowls are in place, set the timer for the desired amount of time. Be sure to adjust the power level according to your recipe or instructions. If you're cooking multiple dishes, you may need to adjust the timer as needed.

Step Three: Wait & Enjoy!

Once the timer goes off, carefully remove the bowls from the microwave. Enjoy your delicious meal or snack!

Now you know how to put two big bowls inside the microwave at once. Go ahead and enjoy your meal!

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