Life Hacks, Tips, Tricks

50 Incredible Tech Hacks That Make You Smatter

1991 words10 min read

Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives. We use it for communication, entertainment, work, and even for staying organized. However, with so much technology available, it can be overwhelming to know how to make the most of it. That's where tech life hacks come in.

In this article, we'll take a look at 50 tech life hacks you should know. These tips and tricks can help you optimize your devices, save time, and increase your productivity.

1. Maximize Phone Battery Life: Put It On Airplane Mode

Life Hacks: - Turn airplane mode on to save your phone's battery if you need it later.

2. Creating Unique Identicons with Contact App

Life Hacks: - Use the Contact Identicons App to generate unique icons for all your friends.

3. Quickly Rename Files With F2 Key

Life Hacks: - Press F2 to immediately rename a file instead of double clicks.

4. Revolutionize Toilet Paper with Shitter App: Life Hack

Life Hacks: - There's an app called Shitter that creates toilet paper rolls printed with a twitter feed.

5. Repeat YouTube: A Life Hack to Make Any Song Repeat

Life Hacks: - If you want a song on YouTube on repeat, add 'repeat' between youtube and .com.

6. Find Your Car Easily with Google Maps

Life Hacks: - Google maps can be an effective car locator if you mark your current location when you park.

7. Secure Your Browsing: Check Site History with Safebrowsing

Life Hacks: - Before going to a suspicious site Google "safebrowsing: (website)" to see a 90-day history of malware attempts on its visitors.

8. Pasting text without formatting

Life Hacks: - When you copy something from the internet use Ctrl + Shift + V to prevent the text from formatting before pasting it.

9. Revise Fragments with Semicolons: Life Hack

Life Hacks: - When Word tells you to revise a fragment it means to add a semicolon.

10. Discover the Power of Google Reverse Image Search

Life Hacks: - If you right-click an image and hit SS on Chrome, it will automatically do a Google reverse image search for that image.

11. How to Unsubscribe from Unwanted Newsletters

Life Hacks: - Search for 'unsubscribe' in your email inbox to find all the newsletters you never bothered to unsubscribe from.

12. Unlock 30-Second Ads with Hulu Refresh

Life Hacks: - When using Hulu, refresh the page at every ad break so you'll only have to watch a 30-second ad compared to the usual longer length.

13. Maximize Time with FastCustomer

Life Hacks: - The FastCustomer app calls the company for you, waits on hold, and then calls you when an actual human is on the line.

14. Are Hair Color Changes Worth the Risk?

Life Hacks: - Are extreme hair makeovers worth the risk? The Hair Colour Booth app gives a preview of your hair in different colors to help you with that decision.

15. Test if Batteries are Good

Life Hacks: - If your battery gives one small bounce when dropped from a height of 6 inches, they're good enough to be used. If not, they're most likely to be dead or on their way out.

16. Simple Hack to Make Your Online Experience Easier

Life Hacks: - If you hold the shift key and hit the spacebar, you can scroll back up a webpage.

17. 10 Strategies for Strategic RunPee Bathroom Breaks

Life Hacks: - Since movie theatres don't have pause buttons, the app RunPee provides the most strategic intervals to take your bathroom breaks.

18. Secrets Self-Destruct with

Life Hacks: - You could send a person a text message that will self-destruct after they read it on

19. Create Your Own GIFs From YouTube!

Life Hacks: - You could create your own gif from any video on YouTube by adding the word 'gif' before the word 'youtube' in the link.

20. Use an online version of Photoshop for free

Life Hacks: - You could use an online version of Photoshop for free on

21. Find the Perfect Word with

Life Hacks: - Has a word got lost at the tip of your tongue? is a website that will help you find the word you're looking for when you can only think of a phrase to describe it.

22. Zoom In Image to prevent swipe

Life Hacks: - While showing people pictures on your phone, zoom in a little bit so they can't swipe to other pictures.

23. Does too many choices on Netflix get you confused?

Life Hacks: - Does too many choices on Netflix get you confused?
Try using Given your interests, the spin gives you something interesting to watch.

24. Need a quick repair manual?

Life Hacks: - Need a quick repair manual?
On - The Free Repair Manual, you can search the repair manual for almost anything.

25. Easy Way to Remove Personal Data:

Life Hacks: - You could remove your personal data across unwanted sites all at once on

26. Watch every single old Disney movie

Life Hacks: - You could watch every single old Disney movie for free on

27. Make Text All Uppercase or Lowercase with Shift+F3

Life Hacks: - Highlight a selection in Word and hit shift+F3 to make it all caps or all lowercase.

28. Protect Your PIN: Top 20 Most Guessed Numbers

Life Hacks: - The 20 most guessed PIN numbers are given below. If you have one of these change it immediately. 1234 1212 2000 6969 5555 1313 7777 4444 9999 6666 8888 0000 1004 2222 3333 1122 4321 2001 1010

29. Make your video full screen with embed

Life Hacks: - You could make YouTube videos the size of your whole browser window by replacing "watch?v=" with "embed/" in the URL and pressing enter.

30. Ads silencing automatically on Spotify

Life Hacks: - Ads on Spotify are often annoying. Mutify is the best free Spotify ad silencing app on Android you can get.
Whenever Mutify detects an ad is playing on Spotify, it helps you turn down the volume of the ads automatically.

31. Recover Lost Work with Microsoft Word Easily

Life Hacks: - You can recover any lost work within Microsoft Word after it crashes by following these steps: Open Word, click on File Info Manage Versions and select Recover Unsaved Documents.

32. Request your Google Play refund

Life Hacks: - If it's been less than 48 hours since you bought an app or made an in-app purchase: You can request a refund through Google Play.

33. How to master Google Search

Life Hacks: - Utilize Quotation Marks on Google for precise searches of specific words or phrases. This is handy for looking up quotes or song lyrics.
For instance: "Be a unicorn in a sea of donkeys."

34. Shrink File Sizes with .xlsb: 50-75% Savings

Life Hacks: - Saving your file as a .xlsb shrinks the size by 50-75%.

35. Discover music playing around you

Life Hacks: - Can't remember a song? Use to hum/sing as much of the song as you can and it'll match it up to all the possible songs you were thinking of.

36. Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter

Life Hacks: - Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab Extension icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.

37. Things to do when being stressed

Life Hacks: - Feeling stressed or worn out?
The DoNothingFor2Minutes challenge asks you to sit and do nothing for two minutes.

38. How to recover unsaved Word documents

Life Hacks: - Accidentally close a Word file without saving? No autosave either? 3 ways to recover it:
Check the folder C:\Users\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFilesOpen Word, and select File > Info > Manage Document > Recover Unsaved Documents.Search .asd into file explorer under my/this pc.

39. How to Zip a Word File with Ease

Life Hacks: - You can easily zip a Word file by changing the name from .docx to .zip.

40. Know enough before start something new

Life Hacks: - Always do a Google search for Things I wish I knew when I started X to get tons of info from people that have learned valuable lessons from their experiences.

41. Master Life Hack: Shift + Spacebar

Life Hacks: - Accidentally hit the spacebar and scroll down the page? Hit SHIFT + SPACE to get back to where you were.

42. Add '+spam' to the end of your emai

Life Hacks: - Have to use your email to sign up for something but never want to hear from them again? Add '+spam' to the end of your email username to redirect their emails to your spam folder.

43. Using global version of Google

Life Hacks: - Use to stay on and using global version without being redirected to a localized version.

44. Unblock blocked video on YouTube

Life Hacks: - Youtube video blocked in your region? The "Unblocker for YouTube" extension for chrome will let you watch any video from anywhere in the world.

45. SHIFT to scroll

Life Hacks: - If you hold the SHIFT key, you could use the scroll button on your mouse to scroll horizontally.

46. After purchasing a 3D printer

Life Hacks: - The first thing you should print after purchasing a 3D printer is replacement parts for the printer.

47. In case of a bug in your PC

Life Hacks: - In case of a bug in your PC, google 'error xxxx solved' instead of the description.

48. Use Tilde In GG Search

Life Hacks: - Use a tilde before a term to include results with its synonyms
Example: unicorn ~magical
Using the tilde can widen your search and pull additional results that wouldn't necessarily come up otherwise. 

49. Two Periods in GG Search

Life Hacks: - Use two periods between two numbers to express a range of things like dates, measurements, and prices.
Example: chatbot technology 2024..2025

50. Use The Related Query In GG Search

Life Hacks: - Use related: to find sites that are similar to the specified site
This is particularly useful for conducting competitor research.

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